Friday, August 25, 2017

I've had a great interest in learning Japanese language and culture. Even though I have never been to Japan (I am sure I will), I've heard great things from people who've traveled there. I know that the history between China and Japan has not all been so friendly, but even my father insisted on buying a Japanese-imported rice cooker. Chinese people have been zealous about Japanese products, from little things like snacks to transportation tools like vehicles. It was amazing to me that after world war II, Japan, such a tiny land, could develop a miraculous economy. It must have something to do with the culture and how society functions. I've read the book 《The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture 》 by Ruth Benedict, a well-known American anthropologist.

It was very interesting to uncover the reasons behind a lot of seemingly unreasonable phenomenon of Japan.

Personally, I enjoy ramen and sushi. Someday when I travel to Japan I can finally taste some real Japanese food! Taking this Japanese class will sure prepare me well of my journey ahead!

Last but not least, I've started to like Nana Kumatsu, a Japanese actress. I just can't say enough good words about her. I've watched one of her movies, Obereru knife. She acted unexpectedly well in that movie. Even though the movie plot was ridiculous, her beautiful face made it all worth it.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

I am excited to have the chance to learn Japanese language. I know it's going to be fun!

宿題 9/17 (月)

会話 テーブルに行きませんでしたから、 小林さんに会ったことがありません。 私はサウスベンドに八年住んでいますね、大変!この冬はとても寒くて、あまり好きじゃありません。風が強くてふいています。 1)冬になる前に冬 ジャケットを買って下さい。UPモルやMichigan outl...