Monday, October 2, 2017

Before researching Katakana on the internet, I wasn't aware that Katakana can have so many more usages in addition to foreign words.

Here is some strange Katakana words I found:

  • zabon ズボン – Trousers (or for you Americans who can seem to distinguish between underwear and trousers, I guess you’d call them pants).
  • pinpon ピンポン – Ping-Pong! The sound of a doorbell.
  • chuu チョウ – Very/Super/Extra – an emphatic word.
  • homusapiensu ホモ・サピエンス – Homo Sapiens. 
  • wanpeesu ワンピース – A one-piece dress. Two words combined.
  • pasocon パソコン – A PC (personal computer). Two words combined and shortened into a classic 4-syllable marvel.
The Katakana expressions above are 4-syllable words, usually combined by two words. 

  • toranpu トランプ – Cards (Trump cards).
  • baikingu バイキング – Oh-ho. Those dastardly Vikings. But no, this means an ‘all-you-can-eat’ restaurant.
  • manto マント – A cloak or a cape. 
  • manshon マンション – An upper-market apartment. Not a mansion.
  • anke-to アンケート – A questionnaire!
  • hocchikisu ホッチキス – A…hot kiss? Hah, you wouldn’t want to kiss this. It means a stapler.
  • noruma ノルマ – A quota (business term, I think).
  • panku パンク – Not a punk rocker unfortunately, but a puncture.
  • furonto フロント – The front of a hotel. A.k.a reception desk.
  • meiku メイク – Koichi’s personal favorite. Makeup.
  • renji レンジ – microwave.
  • rentogen レントゲン – An x-ray. 
The Katakana expressions above are words from foreign countries. But I cannot recognize which word comes from which country. For instance, renji レンジ is not English. 

  • pechakucha ペチャクチャ – A rabble of chattering grannies.
  • pikapika ピカピカ – Shiny and sparkly. Most likely where the yellow poke-rat got his name.
  • panpan パンパン – A bloated full stomach. Go figure.
  • kogukogu コグコグ – To drink in gulps and gulps.
  • nikoniko ニコニコ – *Grin*
  • perapera ペラペラ – (Italian Voice) I’m-a so pera-pera. Means fluent!
  • wahuwahu フワフワ – Floaty-light or airy. Also used to describe sickness when you feel faint or drunk.
  • punpun プンプン – Ever seen those cute Japanese girls that fail trying to look angry by puffing their cheeks out? Yup, that’s pun-pun. Anger.
  • butsubutsu ブツブツ – Mumble-mumble-mumble. Sources say Koichi does this a lot.
  • dondon ドンドン – Rapidly. We’ve gotta get going! Up the pace!
  • gerogero ゲロゲロ – Ribbit-ribbit. I love frogs. Anyone know if there are any frogs that are bioluminescent?
  • pakupaku パクパク – Chomp-chomp. Munch-much. 
These are some very funny onomatopoeia words. I learned that Pikachu's name comes from pikapika ピカピカ. How interesting!



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  2. 本当に面白い発見!
    I know some of the the sound in 片仮名, but this really opens up my mind.

  3. Actually, I think レンジ is from English. One meaning for the word "range" is a cooking apparatus; this meaning originally referred to cooking fires, but more recently came to refer to large stoves. A microwave is a cooking apparatus, so it's not too far-fetched to think it came from this English word.

    1. Wow! Credit to your English knowledge now that I know it's actually from the word "range"!


宿題 9/17 (月)

会話 テーブルに行きませんでしたから、 小林さんに会ったことがありません。 私はサウスベンドに八年住んでいますね、大変!この冬はとても寒くて、あまり好きじゃありません。風が強くてふいています。 1)冬になる前に冬 ジャケットを買って下さい。UPモルやMichigan outl...